Session 16: Sentences

Mae’n amser i adael y swydd hon yn y bwyty hwn.

        It`s time to leave this job in this restaurant.

Doedd dim byd yn arbennig yn digwydd ar y pryd hynny.

        There was nothing special happening at that time.

Dydw i ddim eisiau’r dodrefn hynny yn yr ystafell hon.

        I don`t want that furniture in this room.

A wnaethoch chi brynu’r rheiny eich hunan?

        Did you buy those yourself?

Mae pethau`n ddrud yn y siopau. Mae hynny`n amlwg.

        Things are expensive in the shops. That is obvious.

Digwyddodd pan oeddent ar eu pennau eu hunain.

        It happened when they were on their own.

Pwy sydd ddim yn derbyn y penderfyniad hwn? Chithau?

        Who does not accept this decision? You?

Nid yw`r rhain o unrhyw werth, ond gallen ni werthu`r rheiny.

        These are of no value, but we could sell those.

Roedd llun o`r bobl hynny yn y cylchgrawn.

        There was a picture of those people in the magazine.

Ydych chi`n mynd i`r dref ar eich pen eich hun neu gyda nhw?

        Are you going to the town on your own or with them?

Ni ddwedodd y stori am y daith honno i Gaerdydd.

        He didn`t tell the story about that trip to Cardiff.

Mae`r tywydd yn waeth yn y cwm hwnnw nag yn yr un hwn.

        The weather is worse in that valley than in this one.

A wnewch chi adael iddyn nhw baentio`r cwch eu hunain?

        Will you let them paint the boat themselves?

Ydy’r rhain y llyfrau y prynoch chi yn y siop honno?

        Are these the books that you bought at that shop?

Rhaid i mi newid y teiar car hwnnw ar fy mhen fy hun y bore`ma.

        I have to change that car tyre on my own this morning.

Beth oedd eich rheswm dros ddewis y gwesty hwn yn hytrach na`r un hwnnw?

        What was your reason for choosing this hotel rather than that one?

Ni chlywsom ragolwg y tywydd ar gyfer yr ardaloedd hynny.

        We did not hear the weather forecast for those areas.

Ni welais y bachgen hwnnw yn unman.

        I did not see that boy anywhere.

Daeth yn gyflym pan dderbyniodd yr alwad ffôn honno.

        He came quickly when he received that phone call.

Ni phrynais fwyd o`r siop honno.

        I did not buy food from that shop.